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Kamis, 19 Januari 2012


Jika sebelumnya kami telah memposting software yang bernama Keyfreeze, maka kali ini kami akan Share sebuah software yang lebih mantap daripada Keyfreeze. Lhoo…jika fungsinya sama-sama untuk mengunci Mouse dan Keyboard lalu apa bedanya dengan Keyfreeze?? Berikut liputan selengkapnya.

Nama Software ini adalah KidKeyLock yang berfungsi untuk mengunci Keyboard dan Mouse. Tetapi KidKeyLock mempunyai banyak kelebihan antara lain dapat mengunci beberapa tombol keyboard saja, daat mengunci hanya tombol kiri Mouse atau tombol kanan saja dan masih banyak fungsi lainnya. Berikut fitur-fitur yang dimiliki KidKeyLock ini :

Pilihan untuk mengunci mouse:
1. Middle mouse button (mengunci klik tengah )
2. Right mouse button (mengunci klik kanan )
3. Double click (mengunci klik ganda )
4. Mouse wheel (mengunci roda mouse )

Pilihan untuk mengunci keyboard
1. Standard character keys (mengunci huruf, angka, simbol, dll)
2. Additional keys (mengunci Navigation keys, function keys, ins/del, home/end, dll)
3. Windows system shortcuts(mengunci alt-tab, win-key, dll)

Dengan berbagai pilihan tersebut di atas, anda bisa mengaturnya sesuai selera dan kebutuhan Anda sendiri. Setelah dikunci, maka otomatis fitur yang dikunci tersebut tidak berfungsi atau disable.

Cara menggunakan software ini cukup mudah, silahkan instal hingga selesai kemudian jalankan. Biasanya program akan langsung berjalan dan tandanya terdapat icon KidKeyLock (gambar kunci dengan huruf KKL) pada traybar. Yang harus anda lakukan adalah melakukan setting (setup) terlebih dahulu.

Klik iconnya yang terdapat pada traybar kemudian pilih Setup dan silahkan atur bagian mana yang ingin anda kunci (perhatikan gambar dibawah). Anda juga diharuskan untuk membuat Password terlebih dahulu. Buatlah password terserah pada kotak Password to show Setup, password ini berguna untuk membuka kotak dialog setup. Dan buat juga Password pada kotak Password to quit KidKeyLock, kalau password yang ini berguna untuk keluar dari aplikasi KidKeyLock.

Oh ya, anda juga dapat langsung mengunci keyboard dan Mouse dengan cara klik iconnya pada traybar kemudian sorot Locks dan pilih salah satu yang anda butuhkan.

Dowload software ini, klik disini

Minggu, 15 Januari 2012

Michel Telo - "Ai Se Eu Te Pego" Lyric

Nossa, nossa
Assim você me mata
Ai se eu te pego
Ai ai se eu te pego
Delícia, delícia
Assim você me mata
Ai se eu te pego
Ai ai se eu te pego

Sábado na balada
A galera começou a dançar
E passou a menina mais linda
Tomei coragem e comecei a falar

Nossa, nossa
Assim você me mata
Ai se eu te pego
Ai ai se eu te pego
Delícia, delícia
Assim você me mata
Ai se eu te pego
Ai ai se eu te pego

Sábado na balada
A galera começou a dançar
E passou a menina mais linda
Tomei coragem e comecei a falar

Nossa, nossa
Assim você me mata
Ai se eu te pego

Ai ai se eu te pego
Delícia, delícia
Assim você me mata
Ai se eu te pego
Ai ai se eu te pego

Nossa, nossa
Assim você me mata
Ai se eu te pego
Ai ai se eu te pego
Delícia, delícia
Assim você me mata
Ai se eu te pego
Ai ai se eu te pego

Download lagu ini, klik disini

Lirik Lagu Bondan Tak Terkalahkan

Kau yang disana yang berjiwa lemah,
Mendekat padaku! Raih tanganku!
Karena ku disini pantang menyerah,
Bersatu kita kuat, bersama kita hebat dan tak’kan terkalahkan!
*courtesy of
We got to move on
Bergerak on and on and on
You got to move in
Come’on.. come’on.. come’on lets join! (2x)

Bergerak, beranjak, merapat, melesat.
Angkat semangatmu kawan,
Kita dibarisan depan,
Satukan tekad.. kita tak terkalahkan!
Satukan langkah.. kita tak terkalahkan!

Kau Yang disana,
Yang berjiwa lemah,
Mendekat padaku! Raih tanganku!
Karena ku disini pantang menyerah,
Bersatu kita kuat, bersama kita hebat dan tak’kan terkalahkan!

berkali kubilang khan
Jadi org harus optimis,
Mencari terang ditengah hujan,
Dont stop! jangan bergerak statis!

Jump..jump..Melangkah pasti
Pump..pump..ku terbang tinggi yo!
Yea that’s true we can handle it Unbreakable, we can break that shit!

Come on..Here We GO!
Satukan tangan, kita Let’s GO!
I’m unbeatable, layaknya Chris John.
We gotta move on,
Bergerak on and on and on!
You gotta move in,
Come on.. come on.. come on.. lets join!

It’s our time to make it right to get everything tonight and fight for your rights.
Let the music take control, let the music take your soul!

Kau yang disana, yang berjiwa lemah,
Mendekat padaku! Genggam tanganku!
Karena ku disini takkan menyerah,
Bersatu kita kuat, bersama kita hebat dan tak’kan terkalahkan!

We got to move on
Bergerak on and on and on
You got to move in
Come’on.. come’on.. come’on lets join! (4x)


Senin, 09 Januari 2012

Coding VB6

Coding standards - there's an expression that will strike fear and anger into the hearts of many programmers. Don't let that happen to you. Coding standards aren't about rules that have been carved in stone, they're about practical guidelines that in the end will make your life as a programmer easier and your programs better. My intent in presenting this page isn't to hand down a set of programming commandments, but to offer a set of guidelines for good coding. Some of what's presented here are things I've learned on my own, often the hard way, and some are things I've read about and implemented. Whatever the source, they've worked well for me.

Parts of what you'll find here you can also find in more depth on my documentation and naming convention pages. On this page, I'll focus primarily on the guidelines I use for application design and code construction. Since this is only a simple web page there won't be a lot of depth to each section, but hopefully it will be enough to get you started. If you're interested in a book length discussion of coding standards, I highly recommend that you read Code Complete by Steve McConnell, published by Microsoft Press. It's the best book on good programming practices that I've read. Many of the concepts you'll find here were taken in large part from McConnell's book.

Application Design
Program Design
User Interface Design
There are many issues involved in building a good design. You not only have to consider the design from the programmer's point of view, but also from the user's point of view. I've divided this section into program design - meaning the internal workings of the application, and user interface design - what the user sees and interacts with.
Program Design
Understand the Problem
Getting started on any project, especially a large and complex program, can be an intimidating task. You need to decide what the purpose of the application will be, what features it will support, how the user interface will look and behave, how the program will be structured, and much more.
However, the first task must always be to understand the problem. If you've been programming for a while, you may have experienced a situation where you sat down with a group of users, defined a problem, and laid out a prototype of a program - only to build the program and be told "Well, that's not really what we wanted."

The way to avoid this common scenario is to completely define the problem before you begin construction of the program. This is, of course, easier said than done. Often the users of an application don't really know what they want the program to do or can't express it in terms that communicate the objective fully. While they may have asked for a contact management program, what they may really want is a tool that allows them to communicate with and sell to their customers more easily and effectively. Perhaps that tool is a contact management system, but it may be something else entirely.

As the application designer, its up to you to make sure that what you're building will do the job that needs to be done.

Break Down the Problem
There are a lot of different ways to go about designing an application, but I've found that what works best for me is to break down the problem into components. By breaking the program down in this manner, you can treat each component as much as possible as an independent entity, making the programming task easier and the application more flexible. If, for example, you are working on a customer database, you might break it down into a data access component, a business rule component, and a user interface component. By handling each component independently, you can change any of the components without needing to redesign the others.
Integrate the Solution
Once you have fully defined the problem and broken it down into independent components, you are ready to begin building and integrating the solution. Start by defining the interfaces between the components. As long as there are well defined and stable interfaces between the components, you can change the internal workings of any component without redesigning the application.
User Interface Design
Building a user interface according to accepted standards is the one area where I'll approach the idea of laying out rules for design. Part of the success of Windows and Microsoft applications in particular is due to the common user interface across applications. Users gain a tremendous advantage if they have an idea of how to use an application right from the start. This can only happen if the design of the interface has the look, feel, and functionality of the applications they are already using.
If you're looking for a complete and definitive reference to designing a user interface, you can find it in the MSDN Visual Basic Starter Kit that ships with VB4 Pro (or better) on CD. Under "Product Documentation", open "SDKs" and review the Windows Interface Guidelines for Software Design. I'll just outline a few of the basics here. It's also possible to meet Windows 95 logo requirements using Visual Basic. I've made a copy of a white paper from the Microsoft Visual Basic web site which outlines the logo requirements.

Put control in the hands of the users.
Windows provides a vast array of capabilities for users to customize their environment. Take advantage of this in your applications by using customizations that users have already defined, such as colors, date and time settings, etc. The user can modify these settings through control panel applets. If you use the already defined settings, you not only give the user additional control over the application, you also present a more consistent interface as well as saving yourself the trouble of building an interface for customizing the settings in your app.
Use system tools where they are available.
Using established tools for things such as common dialogs, etc., gives users an advantage of already knowing how to use parts of your application before ever running it.
Don't assume that your app is the only program in use.
Windows is a multi-tasking environment. Users - advanced users in particular - will often be running several applications at once. Keep this fact in mind when you are building your app and make sure that you don't attempt to take over the system. This also means that you should not attempt to control settings that are normally handled by the user, such as display resolution, the window state of the application, etc.
Follow established conventions for layout of interface elements.
The Windows Interface Guidelines for Software Design covers the arrangement of menus and controls in considerable detail. By following the established standards, you can give your application a professional appearance and give the users an extra degree of familiarity with the application.
Integrate your application with the operating system.
Your application should support common operating system extensions, such as properly registering and associating file types with your application, supporting drag and drop if applicable, and supporting mail features.
Coding Standards
I'll state right from the beginning that I don't claim to have developed a set of standards that are right for everyone. Programmers have many varied and strong opinions on coding standards, so you'll have to decide on your own what's right for you. The one thing I will suggest as a key point to remember is that sooner or later, someone else will need to read and understand your code.
Layout & Style
Coding for Efficiency
Layout & Style
The main point to remember here is that the layout of your code can have a significant impact on the ability to read it later. While it may be perfectly valid to the compiler to pack five VB statements on a single line or to write a procedure with no indentation, the code will be nearly unreadable to another human - and probably even yourself.
Here's the short version of the layout guidelines I use when writing code:

Place a block header comment at the top of each module and procedure.
This should outline the purpose, rather than the implementation, of a section of code.
Indent properly.
Indent all the code within a procedure and indent all conditionals and loops. This makes it substantially easier to follow the logic of the code. Additionally, I've redefined the standard indentation to be two characters rather than the default of four. I find two characters to be sufficient to recognize the indentation and allows deeply nested code to be easier to read without horizontal scrolling.
Use white space liberally.
Adding blank lines between sections of code to separate groups of data declarations and blocks of code makes the program easier to read and makes it easier to follow the logic.
Use inline comments liberally.
Add inline comments to describe data declarations and blocks of code. You should also add an inline comment at any point in the program where the purpose of a statement is not entirely obvious. A good guideline to use is that a person should be able to understand the purpose of the code without reading the code, and should be able to understand how the code works without reading the comments. If the former isn't true, you need to add additional comments. If the latter isn't true, you need to rewrite the code to make it less obscure.
Coding for Efficiency
There's been a ton of paper used writing articles on optimizing Visual Basic code, and I'm not going to waste a lot of space repeating that information here. First, you can find it elsewhere easily and second, much of it is often unrelated to the true performance of an application. Here's a short outline of some of the common points that are often made.
Avoid the use of variants.
Variants are generally VB's slowest data type.
Use integers where possible.
Integers and long integers are fast because they are the native data type of the computer hardware.
Use variables to represent controls.
Retrieving and setting control properties is inherently slow. Using a variable reference instead of directly referencing the control in several statements can help improve performance.
Use single statement methods rather than a series of property assignments.
While you can set the Left, Top, Height and Width properties of a text box, its much more efficient to simply use the Move method and reassign all four properties in a single statement.
There are lots of other commonly repeated optimization tips, but like these, many will often have minimal impact on performance. When looking at improving performance in an application, there are two things to consider:
True Performance
This is the actual speed at which the code is executing and is for the most part completely irrelevant.
Perceived Performance
This is the performance as perceived by the user.
Frankly, I don't think that the true performance of an application is relevant in the vast majority of cases. What is important is that the user can move efficiently through an application and get their work done. There are two basic ways to increase the perceived performance of an application:
Distract the user during long processes.
Splash screens, pretty pictures, and progress meters are common tools used to give users something to look at while a long running process is taking place.
Give users something else to do during long processes.
When possible, you should try to move time consuming tasks into a background process and allow the user to continue with something else while the process is running.
Lets take a closer look at the second item. While VB doesn't provide a means to start background threads in an application, you can use out-of-process OLE servers to hand off long processes. Another technique is to use a "just-in-time" strategy for presenting data. Disk operations are expensive from a performance perspective, even with today's high-speed disks and networks. By delivering only the data that's needed at the time that it's requested, you can minimize disk i/o delays to the user. Caching frequently used disk data is also a method you can use to reduce delays, but take care not to try to store so much disk data in memory that your application becomes a memory hog, forcing the operating system to page additional memory to disk.
VB4 took a first step into object oriented programming by providing the ability to create class modules. However, you don't necessarily need OOP features in the language to use modules effectively. Modules can be used to consolidate related code and to restrict access to data to those procedures that need it. This allows you to write code which is better organized and allows you to protect your data and avoid the use of global variables.
If you've written any serious applications which used a number of global variables, you've probably also spent some time working out bugs caused by inappropriate access to the global data. By using module level data and access routines for the data which is global in nature, you can control the means used to read and write the data and coordinate related procedures and data.

There are two basic ways to organize the procedures in a module:

Group procedures that use the same data.
This allows you to protect access to data that is shared by several procedures. Also, since VB loads modules on demand, you can use memory more efficiently by grouping the code that is using the shared data.
Group procedures that perform related tasks.
If you followed the previous item, this has probably also been done. However, you may have related procedures that don't share any data. For example, I always create a module of procedures that act as wrappers around API functions I use. In these procedures, I handle any setup operations (such as initializing return variables) required. By grouping all the API calls together, I can quickly locate and debug the code.
Another benefit of well organized and self-contained modules is that you can often drop a fully functional module into a new application with little or no modification - saving yourself a considerable amount of coding effort on new projects.
I use one rule for coding procedures that has served me well. A procedure should perform one task and do it well. It's often tempting when adding a feature to an application to wrap all of the feature's functionality into a single procedure. The problem with this approach is that you end up with a lot of large, monolithic procedures with a lot of code repeated throughout the application. The result is an application that's hard to debug, maintain, and modify. As an example, I'll illustrate a mistake I made coding an early add-on feature to a database application. Part of a system within the application was a procedure where the end-user would handle a paper application form for a program, do some data entry, approve or deny the application, and then send a letter to the applicant informing them of the status. This was a single step of many in handling these application forms. Other included pre-qualifying applicants and sending blank forms, answering status inquiries, and so on. When I originally organized this sub-system of the main application, I organized the code to follow the steps in the program. For this particular step, the procedure would go through several steps to acquire the necessary data, write a few records to the database, and then used Word to generate either an approval or denial letter. As you can imagine, there were times when failures could occur during the processing. The failures occurred in one of three areas: coding errors, user errors, and physical printing errors (paper jams, etc.). Since the process was written as a monolithic procedure, a failure in any area forced the end user to start the entire procedure from the beginning.
The mistake was really more a design problem than a coding problem. The code was in fact broken down into probably 50 or 60 separate function calls and was fairly well organized. The various functions were for the most part well written and concise. There was a group of functions to manage sending data to and controlling Word, a group of functions to write database records, and several generic utility functions that were used throughout the application. The problem is that the procedure was designed so that it was impossible to generate the letters (the most failure prone part of the procedure) without running the entire procedure.

You can avoid the problems I had if you follow a few simple guidelines in writing procedures:

Each procedure should perform only one task.
Don't consolidate a bunch of unrelated tasks into a procedure just because they happen to occur together in the application.
Separate data management from the user interface.
Write separate procedures to manage data and call them from the user interface code. This allows you to redesign the interface (a more common change) without redesigning the data management code.
Give the procedure a clear, simple name that indicates what it does.
If you can't do this, you probably need to rewrite the code. In my above example, I would have ended up with a procedure name something like this: AquireDataWriteRecordsApproveOrDenyApplicationAndGenerateLetters. If I had rewritten the program, I might have ended up with several small procedures with names like CreateDenialLetter and CreateApprovalLetter being called from other procedures.
There's a lot more involved in writing good code than the few simple points I've outlined here, but this will give you a start. Keep in mind some of these key points when you're sitting at the keyboard in front of a code window:
Understand the problem before you begin building the solution.
Follow accepted standards for user interface design.
Write code that is readable.
Separate user interface and data management.
Design for the most efficient use of the program by the user.
Design code that can be re-used.
I'll repeat one other piece of advice I gave at the top of the page. Get yourself a copy of Code Complete by Steve McConnell. It's one of the best texts on coding standards that I've read. Although it's not written specifically for Visual Basic, this one book will teach you more about programming (in VB or any other language) than any other book I've read. I have one entire bookshelf dedicated to programming topics, and this is one of about three books that I return to again and again.
Originally written by Joe Garrick

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sebenarnya untuk cheat game itu sangat mudah ikuti saja langkah berikut ini :

1. Launch PointBlank dengan Windows Mode
2. Launch MLE
3. Hide MLE dengan HideToolz
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40 next scan, setelah itu… klik 2x dibar sebelah itu ganti dah valuenya…value itu kan jadi darah kalian…

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   1. scan jumlah peluru anda ( ex : 30 -> 4 byte -> First Scan )
   2. Tembak sembarang aja biar pelor kurang
   3. Setelah itu jumlah peluru setelah tembakan itu jadi kan next scan ( ex: 28 -> next scan )
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New Wallhack MPGH 10-03-2011 + DLL Injector

Credit : [MPGH]Dave84311


* Wallhack
* Chams
* Crosshair
* No Smoke


Instruction :
1. Extract WH 10-03-2011.rar
2. Copy D3DX9_43.dll ke C.Windows.system32.
3. Buka Dll_injector, Browse ke pb.dll
4. Start PB,, Saat Loading Hackshield Pilih Proses PointBlank.exe lalu Inject
5. Happy Cheating

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Daftar Mobil Terbaru 2012

Bagi Anda peminat kendaraan beroda empat atau mobil disini kami akan memberikan beberapa daftar mobil terbaru di tahun 2012 yang akan datang dan pastinya akan menjadikan Anda semakin bingung memilih mobil mana yang sesuai dengan selera Anda, tentunya mobil-mobil ini akan membawa Anda meluncur dengan nyaman, mari kita lihat di bawah ini, mobil apa sajakah yang akan dikeluarkan di tahun 2012 nanti :

Yaris facelift (belum terkonfirmasi)
Etios (bukan peluncuran resmi, masih perkenalan)
Mobil sport 86 (terkonfirmasi)

Lexus CT 200h
Lexus GS (terkonfirmasi)

1 model baru (masih rahasia)

CR-V (belum terkonfirmasi)
City sedan

Ertiga (terkonfirmasi)
Swift Tipe S

Fiesta Sedan (terkonfirmasi)
All New Ranger (terkonfirmasi)
All New Focus (terkonfirmasi)

Seri 5 diesel (terkonfirmasi)
M5 (terkonfirmasi)
Seri 3 model baru (terkonfirmasi)

Exora Turbo (terkonfirmasi)
Proton Persona R (terkonfirmasi)
City car (kemungkinan yang digarap bareng Lotus yakni Proton Emas)

Crossover XV
Mobil sport BRZ


Pikap Colorado (terkonfirmasi)
Aveo RS (rencana)
Mobil listrik Volt (belum terkonfirmasi, kemungkinan dipamerkan di IIMS)

Mirage (di IIMS belum terkonfirmasi)

Veloster (masih rencana)

smart fortwo
smart ed (terkonfirmasi)

A1 (terkonfirmasi)

S80 (terkonfirmasi)

GL Class, Mercy SLS AMG Roadster

Cara Membuat Nickname PB Berwarna

Apakah sobat semua suka Game Point Blank? Tentunya dlam bermain PB kita harus punya nickname. YA, banyak orang yang nickname nya bisa berwarna bahkan tidak ada nicknamenya sebetulnya ada .. kalian tinggal klik kanan aja pada nick tersebut kemudian klik whisper pasti akan keliatan cara membuatnya nanti ada tulisan misal {col:255:255:255}. Berikut cara membuat nickname pb berwarna

Ini cara memberi warna pada tulisan di PB:
tulis {col:angka:angka:angka} tulisan yg diinginkan
contoh : {col:255:255:255} Exe_densus88 (memberikan warna putih pada tulisan itu)

Ini adalah warna warna yg bisa diaplikasikan kepada tulisan yg kita buat baik dalam chat atau judul room atau bahkan id kita:

Color Name RGB CODE HEX # Sample
Snow 255-250-250
Snow 2 238-233-233
Snow 3 205-201-201
Snow 4 139-137-137
Ghost White 248-248-255
White Smoke 245-245-245
Gainsboro 220-220-220
Floral White 255-250-240
Old Lace 253-245-230
Linen 240-240-230
Antique White 250-235-215
Antique White 2 238-223-204
Antique White 3 205-192-176
Antique White 4 139-131-120
Papaya Whip 255-239-213
Blanched Almond 255-235-205
Bisque 255-228-196
Bisque 2 238-213-183
Bisque 3 205-183-158
Bisque 4 139-125-107
Peach Puff 255-218-185
Peach Puff 2 238-203-173
Peach Puff 3 205-175-149
Peach Puff 4 139-119-101
Navajo White 255-222-173
Moccasin 255-228-181
Cornsilk 255-248-220
Cornsilk 2 238-232-205
Cornsilk 3 205-200-177
Cornsilk 4 139-136-120
Ivory 255-255-240
Ivory 2 238-238-224
Ivory 3 205-205-193
Ivory 4 139-139-131
Lemon Chiffon 255-250-205
Seashell 255-245-238
Seashell 2 238-229-222
Seashell 3 205-197-191
Seashell 4 139-134-130
Honeydew 240-255-240
Honeydew 2 244-238-224
Honeydew 3 193-205-193
Honeydew 4 131-139-131
Mint Cream 245-255-250
Azure 240-255-255
Alice Blue 240-248-255
Lavender 230-230-250
Lavender Blush 255-240-245
Misty Rose 255
White 255-255-255

Color Name RGB CODE HEX # Sample
Black 0-0-0 000000
Dark Slate Gray 49-79-79
Dim Gray 105-105-105
Slate Gray 112-138-144
Light Slate Gray 119-136-153
Gray 190-190-190
Light Gray 211-211-211

Color Name RGB CODE HEX # Sample
Midnight Blue 25-25-112
Navy 0-0-128
Cornflower Blue 100-149-237
Dark Slate Blue 72-61-139
Slate Blue 106-90-205
Medium Slate Blue 123-104-238
Light Slate Blue 132-112-255
Medium Blue 0-0-205
Royal Blue 65-105-225
Blue 0-0-255
Dodger Blue 30-144-255
Deep Sky Blue 0-191-255
Sky Blue 135-206-250 87
Light Sky Blue 135-206-250
Steel Blue 70-130-180
Light Steel Blue 176-196-
Light Blue 173-216-230
Powder Blue 176-224-230
Pale Turquoise 175-238-238
Dark Turquoise 0-206-209
Medium Turquoise 72-209-204
Turquoise 64-224-208
Cyan 0-255-255
Light Cyan 224-255-255
Cadet Blue 95-158-160

Color Name RGB CODE HEX # Sample
Medium Aquamarine 102-205-170
Aquamarine 127-255-212
Dark Green 0-100-0
Dark Olive Green 85-107-47
Dark Sea Green 143-188-143
Sea Green 46-139-87
Medium Sea Green 60-179-113
Light Sea Green 32-178-170
Pale Green 152-251-152
Spring Green 0-255-127
Lawn Green 124-252-0
Chartreuse 127-255-0
Medium Spring Green 0-250-154
Green Yellow 173-255-47
Lime Green 50-205-50
Yellow Green 154-205-50
Forest Green 34-139-34
Olive Drab 107-142-35
Dark Khaki 189-183-107
Khaki 240-230-140

Color Name RGB CODE HEX # Sample
Pale Goldenrod 238-232-170
Light Goldenrod Yellow 250-250-210
Light Yellow 255-255-224
Yellow 255-255-0
Gold 255-215-0
Light Goldenrod 238-221-130
Goldenrod 218-165-32
Dark Goldenrod 184-134-11

Color Name RGB CODE HEX # Sample
Rosy Brown 188-143-143
Indian Red 205-92-92
Saddle Brown 139-69-19
Sienna 160-82-45
Peru 205-133-63
Burlywood 222-184-135
Beige 245-245-220
Wheat 245-222-179
Sandy Brown 244-164-96
Tan 210-180-140
Chocolate 210-105-30
Firebrick 178-34-34
Brown 165-42-42

Color Name RGB CODE HEX # Sample
Dark Salmon 233-150-122
Salmon 250-128-114
Light Salmon 255-160-122
Orange 255-165-0
Dark Orange 255-140-0
Coral 255-127-80
Light Coral 240-128-128
Tomato 255-99-71
Orange Red 255-69-0
Red 255-0-0

Color Name RGB CODE HEX # Sample
Hot Pink 255-105-180
Deep Pink 255-20-147
Pink 255-192-203
Light Pink 255-182-193
Pale Violet Red 219-112-147
Maroon 176-48-96
Medium Violet Red 199-21-133
Violet Red 208-32-144
Violet 238-130-238
Plum 221-160-221
Orchid 218-112-214
Medium Orchid 186-85-211
Dark Orchid 153-50-204
Dark Violet 148-0-211
Blue Violet 138-43-226
Purple 160-32-240
Medium Purple 147-112-219
Thistle 216-191-216

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Resensi Novel Laskar Pelangi

Dipostingkan oleh Gonyeng, pada 09 Januari 2012

Judul Buku : Laskar Pelangi
Pengarang : Andrea Hirata
Penerbit : Bentang Pustaka
Tebal Buku : 534 halaman

Tentang Pengarang dan Yang Dikarangnya => 
Novel Karya Andrea Hirata dengan tebal buku 534 halaman ini mengandung sebuah cerita yang sangat menarik. Cerita yang ada didalam novel ini merupakan kisah nyata dari perjalanan seorang Penulis dalam mengejar mimpinya hingga ke Negara Perancis. Cerita ini pun ramai dipuji hingga dijadikan Film yang sangat menarik oleh Sutradara terkenal Riri Riza dan Mira Lesmana. Novel ini mampu membuat pembaca merasa seperti terhanyut dan terbawa ke dalam cerita didalamnya.

Andrea Hirata adalah Seseorang yang suka bermimpi dalam menjalankan hidupnya. Namun, mimpi itu akan dia usahakan untuk menjadi kenyataan. Didalam Novelnya Dia lebih menceritakan tentang masa lalunya di Belitong. Sehingga cerita yang ada didalam Novel ini benar – benar bersuasana sama seperti tempat asli terjadinya kejadian tersebut.

Gaya bahasa yang digunakan Andrea Hirata adalah gaya bahasa natural seperti layaknya orang ketika berbicara. Selain didalamnya menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia, penulis juga menggunakan Bahasa Melayu. Terkadang inilah yang membuat para pembaca tampak sedikit kebingungan dan harus menerka apa maksud dari bahasa tersebut. Namun,hal ini bukanlah suatu penghalang bagi pembaca untuk memahaminya karena penulis menyediakan arti didalam setiap Bahasa Melayu pada bagian footnote.

Alur yang terdapat didalam Novel ini adalah Alur maju-mundur, namun lebih dominan menggunakan Alur Maju. Pengarang menggunakan sudut pandang orang Pertama, karena Penulis merupakan Toko Utama didalam cerita ini. Novel ini banyak mengandung amanat yang bermanfaat bagi para pembacanya. Andrea Hirata mengajarkan kita agar tidak terlebih dahulu Putus Asa, jika ingin meraih mimpi yang diinginkan.

Cara pengarang menggambarkan tokoh – tokoh dalam cerita ini berlainan dengan cara yang biasa dipakai oleh pengarang lainnya. Andrea Hirata dapat menggambarkan karakter tokohnya dengan begitu detail sehingga pembaca dapat membayangkan dengan jelas karakter tokohnya seperti apa.

Tokoh-tokoh yang diceritakan antara lain adalah tokoh utama dari cerita ini bernama Ikal ia adalah seorang anak laki – laki yang tangguh, pintar, berani, dan mau belajar demi mimpi yang ingin diwujudkannya. Tokoh Lintang adalah Seorang anak laki – laki yang sangat cerdas, jenius, berani, tetapi karena keadaanlah yang membuat dia Putus Sekolah. Tokoh Mahar adalah Seorang anak laki – laki yang pintar menyanyi, cerdas, dan suka terhadap hal – hal yang gaib (misteri), Bu Mus adalah Seorang wanita yang sangat baik, bijaksana, dan guru yang sangat dicintai murid – muridnya, dan masih banyak tokoh lainnya. Beliaulah yang menjadi sumber inspirasi bagi anak-anak laskar pelangi

Resensinya =>
Kisah dalam Laskar Pelangi ini diawali dari kehidupan seorang anak yang bernama Ikal yang memulai sekolah dengan harus menunggu sepuluh anak yang ingin bersekolah di sekolah Ikal. Dengan cemas Ikal, Sahara, Trapani, Kucai, Syahdan, Mahar, Lintang, Borek, A kiong, Bu Mus, Pak Harfan, dan para orang tua murid menunggu apakah ada satu orang lagi yang ingin bersekolah di SD Muhamaddiyah jika, tidak sampai sepuluh anak maka, mereka tidak akan bisa bersekolah. Karena, SD Muhamaddiyah akan tamat riwayatnya. Sekian lama mereka menunggu akhirnya Seorang pria jenaka berusia Lima belas tahun dan agak terbelakang mentalnya menyelamatkan kesembilan temannya juga Sekolah SD Muhamaddiyah. Ikal dan teman – temannya sangat senang, akhirnya mereka bisa bersekolah di SD Muhamaddiyah untuk meraih mimpi dan cita - citanya bersama teman – temannya yang luar biasa di Belitong.

Keunggulan novel ini terletak pada sentilan humaniora tentang pentingnya pendidikan sekolah dan sekaligus kuatnya moral agama. Novel ini wajib baca bagi generasi muda yang terlena dengan gelimang kemudahan ekonomi dan tak lagi kenal jerih payah untuk menggapai masa depan. Novel ini juga wajib baca bagi para pendidik, bagi pemerintah yang selalu alpa pada pentingnya pendidikan. Buah dari kealpaan itu diantaranya adalah, kini kita menjadi bangsa yang sering menjadi bahan olok-olok oleh bangsa lain, karena kita rajin mencetak manusia yang tak punya kualitas.

Kelemahan novel ini, menurut saya, hanya terletak pada cara mengakhiri cerita. Semestinya, novel ini sudah ditutup pada bab 33: Anarkonisme, yang menceritakan kejatuhan Babel (Bangka Belitung) yang dulu bergelimbang Timah. Bab 34: Gotik, menurut saya menjadi ekor cerita yang membingungkan. Karena penutur ”Aku” secara tiba-tiba menjadi orang lain, dan bukan lagi Ikal. Bab 34 ini menjadi sebuah kemubaziran. Sama persis seperti seorang pelukis yang seharusnya berhenti menguaskan catnya pada bidang lukis yang sudah sempurna, tapi kemudian menjadi berantakan karena sebuah goresan yang tidak perlu.

Hal yang menarik dari Novel ini adalah dapat membangkitkan kita agar tidak mudah putus asa jika ingin meraih mimpi. Mengajarkan kita agar baik terhadap teman sesama dan mau untuk saling membantu. Dalam Novelnya, Andrea Hirata pandai menyelipkan pertanyaan yang terus tersirat, dari awal cerita sampai akhir ceritanya terdapat arti dari Bahasa Melayunya dan cara membacanya. Namun, dengan segala keindahan dan kelebihannnya, Novel ini membuat para pembacanya mendapat sedikit kesulitan karena adanya Bahasa Melayu, adanya ungkapan dan khiasan dalam kalimat membuat cerita ini sedikit terasa sulit. Walaupun begitu, cerita ini tetap memikat dan penuh dengan muatan pesan yang dapat direnungkan dan diterjemahkan dengan lebih dalam.

Jumat, 06 Januari 2012

Apa Itu Penyakit Autis ?

Autisme adalah gangguan perkembangan yang ditandai dengan perkembangan gangguan dalam komunikasi, interaksi sosial, dan perilaku. Autisme menimpa satu dari sekitar 100 anak dan mempengaruhi kehidupan baik anak itu sendiri maupun keluarga mereka. Penyakit autis cenderung lebih banyak pada jenis kelamin laki-laki lima kali lipat dibandingkan pada jenis kelamin perempuan.

Pengertian Autis kadang dikaitkan dengan pengklasifikasian sebagai gangguan perkembangan pervasif, kategori gangguan yang sering digambarkan secara bergantian dengan spektrum yang luas dari gangguan perkembangan yang mempengaruhi anak-anak dan orang dewasa yang disebut gangguan spektrum autistik (ASD). Kisaran gangguan gejala autis ini bervariasi dari individu sangat terganggu dengan autisme kepada individu-individu lain yang memiliki kelainan interaksi sosial tetapi kecerdasan normal (sindrom Asperger). Selain itu, autisme dapat ditemukan berhubungan dengan gangguan lain seperti keterbelakangan mental dan kondisi medis tertentu. Tingkat gejala autisme dapat berkisar dari ringan sampai parah. Penderita autis yang ringan mungkin saja tampak normal, namun pada gejala autisme yang parah mungkin memiliki cacat intelektual yang ekstrim.

Bagi sebagian orang, mungkin akan bertanya apa itu autis? Apakah penyakit autis ini berkaitan dengan genetik? Karena gangguan yang berbeda dapat mengakibatkan autisme, pertanyaan tersebut cukup rumit untuk dijelaskan. Beberapa gangguan seperti sindrom X dan tuberous sclerosis, yang keduanya berhubungan dengan autisme, merupakan penyakit genetik (warisan). Studi terbaru menemukan bahwa gen untuk setidaknya satu jenis autisme keluarga mungkin terdapat pada kromosom 13. Namun, mayoritas penderita autisme tidak memiliki sejarah keluarga yang kuat adanya , yang mendukung premis bahwa lingkungan atau kombinasi dari faktor lingkungan dan genetik berkontribusi pada pengembangan autisme. Dalam konteks ini, lingkungan dimaksudkan untuk menunjukkan adanya faktor non-genetik, termasuk infeksi, racun, nutrisi, dan lain sebagainya.

Bagaimana Autisme Di Diagnosis Pada Anak-Anak dan Orang Dewasa?

Fitur penting dari ciri-ciri autisme adalah gangguan perkembangan signifikan atau abnormal dari komunikasi dan interaksi sosial. Sebelum melakukan terapi autis pada penderita, penting untuk evaluasi medis dimulai dengan riwayat kesehatan menyeluruh dan pemeriksaan fisik. Pemeriksaan ini harus dilakukan oleh seorang praktisi tidak hanya akrab dengan autisme, tetapi dengan gangguan lain yang mungkin tampak mirip atau meniru gejala autisme. Praktisi harus memiliki keahlian khusus dalam pemeriksaan gangguan neurologis. Sebagai contoh, adanya kelemahan ringan atau refleks meningkat pada satu sisi tubuh akan menyebabkan pemeriksa untuk menyimpulkan bahwa terdapat kelainan struktural dalam otak sehingga perlu pemeriksaan MRI otak. Sejarah dan pemeriksaan fisik akan menunjuk pemeriksa untuk tes diagnostik khusus dalam rangka mengevaluasi kondisi lain yang berhubungan dengan autisme atau keterlambatan perkembangan.

Setiap anak yang memiliki keterlambatan bahasa harus memiliki pendengaran yang dievaluasi secara bertahap. Agar perkembangan bahasa dapat kembali normal, penderita autisme harus memiliki kemampuan mendengar yang cukup pada volume rendah dalam rentang frekuensi tinggi.

Baik pada anak-anak maupun dewasa, pemeriksaan neurologis normal tidak perlu dilakukan seperti otak CT scan atau MRI scan. Namun, jika pemeriksaan neurologis pada penderita autis adalah sugestif dari lesi otak struktural, maka studi neuroimaging sebaiknya CT Scan MRI harus dilakukan.

DiagnosIs yang paling baik adalah dengan cara seksama mengamati perilaku anak dalam berkomunikasi, bertingkah laku dan tingkat perkembangannya. Pemeriksaan klinis dan penunjang lainnya mungkin diperlukan untuk memastikan kemungkinan adanya penyebab lain tersebut karena karakteristik dari penyandang autis ini banyak sekali ragamnya sehingga cara diagnosa yang paling ideal adalah dengan memeriksakan anak pada beberapa tim dokter ahli seperti ahli neurologis, ahli psikologi anak, ahli penyakit anak, ahli terapi bahasa, ahli pengajar dan ahli profesional lainnya dibidang autis.

Dokter ahli atau praktisi kesehatan profesional yang hanya mempunyai sedikit pengetahuan dan wawasan mengenai autisme akan mengalami kesulitan dalam mendiagnosa autisme. Kadang-kadang dokter ahli atau praktisi kesehatan profesional keliru melakukan diagnosa dan tidak melibatkan orang tua sewaktu melakukan diagnosa. Kesulitan dalam pemahaman autisme dapat menjurus pada kesalahan dalam memberikan pelayanan kepada penyandang autisme yang secara umum sangat memerlukan perhatian yang khusus dan rumit.

Hasil pengamatan sesaat belumlah dapat disimpulkan sebagai hasil mutlak dari kemampuan dan perilaku seorang anak. Masukkan dari orang tua mengenai kronologi perkembangan anak adalah hal terpenting dalam menentukan keakuratan hasil diagnosa. Secara sekilas, penyandang autis dapat terlihat seperti anak dengan keterbelakangan mental, kelainan perilaku, gangguan pendengaran atau bahkan berperilaku aneh dan nyentrik. Yang lebih menyulitkan lagi adalah semua gejala autism tersebut diatas dapat timbul secara bersamaan.

Karenanya sangatlah penting untuk membedakan antara autis dengan yang lainnya sehingga diagnosa yang akurat dan penanganan sedini mungkin dapat dilakukan untuk menentukan terapi yang tepat.

Kamis, 05 Januari 2012

Simbol Blackberry (Bagian IV)

Dipostingkan oleh Gonyeng, 06 Januari 2012

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❀ ρυη вєямєкαяαη..
ѕємυα σяαηg ☺..
dan bersenandung ♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪

נαℓαη - נαℓαη ソυк....




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